Tuesday, 31 May 2016


1.1  Research Background
       Language is a tool of communication used by people to relate one another. By language they will be easy to express their ideas, opinions, feelings, etc. There are many languages in the world. English is one of the languages used as international language. As an international language, English is very important and has many interrelationships with various aspects of life owned by human being. Many people want to learn English in order to be able to communicate well and to be able to go abroad when they have mastered English. In Indonesia, English is considered as the foreign language and is taught formally from elementary school up to university level.
       There are four skills that should be mastered, they are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The reading skill becomes very important in the education field,  students need to be exercised and trained in order to have a good reading skill. Reading skill is also included in National Examination. It means that the students need to comprehend the text given when they answer the questions.

       Reading is also something crucial and indispensable for the students because the success of their study depends on the greater part of their ability to read. If their reading skill is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have a good ability in reading, they will have a better chance to succeed in their study.
       According to Burhan (2012: 9), reading is a physic and mental activity to reveal the meaning of the written texts, while in that activity there is a process of knowing letters. It says a physic activity because the parts of the body, our eyes particularly, do it. And it says mental activity because perception and memory as parts of mind are involved in it. He then concludes that the main goal of reading is a process of comprehending written texts.
       Grabe and Stoller (2011:3) state that  reading is the ability to draw meaning from printed page and interpret this information appropriately. It is also an interactive in that sense of linguistic from the text interacts with information activated by the reader from long-term memory, as background knowledge (Grabe and Stoller 2011:12). We can conclude that reading as a way to draw information from a text and to form an interpretation of that information.
       Over the past decade, students had become responsible for learning more complex content at the rapid pace to cover the material assessed on state wide outcome assessment. Despite any reading difficulties a secondary student might have our educational system had expectations that these students would be able to decode fluently and comprehend material with challengging content.
       In Indonesia English as foreign language is studied in order to master and develop the knowledge, technology, arts and create a good relation with other countries.
Most struggling middle school readers have deficits in reading comprehension. Comprehension, the ability to gain meaning from the text, is essentially the ultimate goal of reading.
       Comprehension is something that occurs inside the reader. Teachers cannot actually observe comprehension happening inside a student. They cannot view the student’s brain when the student read. Even they cannot view how readers’ brains act while reading gives only every limited information about the areas of the brain that are more or less active while reading text.
       Snow (2002:11) defines reading comprehensions as the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written language. The emphasis is merely on the words extracting and constructing. In line with some definitions above, Aebersold and Field (1997, p.15) also argue that the processes of comprehending then involves decoding the writer’s words and then using background knowledge to construct an approximate understanding of the writer’s message. Furthermore, they state that the process of comprehending of the text is not exact since reading is a personal activity. It means that reading comprehension differs from one reader to another reader.
       Reading comprehension is a very complex skill. It is thus much more than decoding. Its most essential elements involve: skill in reading text accurately and fluently, sufficient background knowledge and vocabulary to make sense of the content, skill in using reading strategies that improve understanding or repair it when it breaks down, ability to think and reason about the information and concept in the text, motivation to understand and learn from the text.
       According to Education Unit Level Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, KTSP 2006) teaching reading in senior high school aims to develop the students’ ability to comprehend and create kinds of short functional text monologue essay formed procedure, descriptive, recount, report, narrative, and other genre that related to surrounding environment. It also hopes that the students can read the texts which have meaning of words, phrases and sentences with the utterance stress and motivation related with the near area. The target of achievement in English competence is hoped more than 70.
       Not only do proficient readers demonstrate a willingness and ability to think about what they read and discuss their thought with others, but they also enjoy asking lots of questions and responding to what they have read. Davis observes (as quoted in Brassell & Rasinski 2008: 27) “Students who are able to comprehend a variety of text will be able to integrate comprehension strategies according to the kind of text they are reading. The students will be able to explain what they are doing when they comprehend and what they do when they realize that they do not comprehend”.
       Based on the writer’s experience in making research at Grade XI of SMA N 1 Silimakuta, the writer found that many students achieved average levels but they were unable to understand and comprehend the complex text structures, especially in the contents area. They had  limited ability to provide detailed information about the source or nature of reading comprehension problem.
       Other students were disruptive or disrespectful when asked to complete reading comprehension that was too difficult for them. That’s why their average score in reading comprehension was still bad. The detail scoring of the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Silimakuta in comprehending descriptive text can be seen in the following table :
Agung Prawira Ginting
Berliana Alhasia Girsang
Bishop Tarigan
Dayfrina Angelia Sinaga
Desfrianty Saragih
Donna  Chetryn Sipayung
Ely Sari Silalahi
Epi Lyna Jawak
Evri Pakpahan
Fatlia Purba
Grescia Suzettha
Hotlastri Telaumbenua
Indah Dewi Sartika Purba
Jurdamta Sipayung
Lestari Saragih
Linda WatiSipayung
Lita Juniarta Silitonga
Naomi Reuni Girsang
Novi Helen
Putra Dani Sianturi
Reinhard Oktaveri Gultom
Roselly Purba
Sapto Utomo
Sondang Purba
Sri Ulina Girsang
Sry Arista Manihuruk
Suryani Hasibuan
Susan Marbun
Sutari Tarigan
Tio Mahita Simarmata
Vivi Lastiar Sinurat
Yessi Sipayung

Total Score

The data showed that 𝝨=54,25. From 32 students, the writer found that the students who got mark 70 were 26 person, whereas students who got mark 70 were 6 person. Many students when they were answering the test just predicted the aswers.
       Therefore, English teacher has to be able to organize teaching and learning activities; they have to give materials by using a suitable method and master the lesson effectively.
       The writer uses the PQRST method as the alternative to solve the problem of the students in reading comprehension. With this method the students will be focused on the text and read the text again.
       According to Staton (1982:15-27) PQRST method has shown the improvement of the readers’ understanding, and their ability to recall information. In other words, the readers are more interested in learning the material they have read. This method prioritizes the information in a way that relates directly to how they are asked to use that information on the text.
There are five steps in PQRST such as the following:
1) Preview: They only read in a few second (skimming).
2) Question: The students will  arrange the question in which they want to know about the text.
3) Read: The students will read through all the text that the writer  has given.
4) Summary: In this step, students will make summary.
5) Test: The students will answer the question in which the teacher has made.
       Using PQRST (Preview, Question, Read, Summary, and Test) might be suitable on the students ability in comprehending descriptive text. Moreover, descriptive text should be read in full of concentration. And it has been found that the method is appropriate for the students, senior high school students, particularly.
       Based on the above reasons, the writer is interested in conducting a research entitle “The Effect of PQRST Method on Students’ Ability in Comprehending Descriptive Text at Grade  XI of  SMA  N 1 Silimakuta”.

1.2  The Problem of the Study
       Based on the background of the study, the problem of the study can be formulated as follows: “Does PQRST method significantly affect students’ ability in comprehending descriptive text at grade XI of SMA N 1 Silimakuta?”

1.3  The Objective of the Study
       The objective of this study is to find out whether PQRST method significantly affects on the students’ ability in comprehending descriptive text at grade XI of SMA N 1 Silimakuta.

1.4  The Scope of the Study
The scope of this study is to find out the effect of PQRST method on the students ability in comprehending descriptive text.

1.5  Hypotesis of the Study
The hypotesis of the study is as follows :
Ha: PQRST method significantly affects the students’ ability in comprehending descriptive text at grade XI of SMA N 1 Silimakuta.
Ho: PQRST method doesn’t significantly affect the students’ ability in comprehending descriptive text at grade XI of SMA N 1 Silimakuta.

1.6  The Significance of the Study
This study is hoped to be useful to:
a.       Encourage the English teachers to use PQRST method in teaching English reading.
b.       Help the young learners to learn English reading easily through PQRST method.
c.      Give more experience or input for readers that PQRST method can be used as a method in teaching English reading.

1.7  Definition of Key Terms
1.      Reading comprehension
            Hill (2000:4-5) states, “Reading is communication process and used by readers to get the message which going to be delivered by the author through message or written language”.

Reading comprehension is defined as the ability of the student under study in understanding the content of reading text which is delivered by the teacher on the present study. The students reading ability and achievement are measured by means of administering a series of post test.
2.      PQRST method
PQRST (Preview, Question, Read, State, Test). PQRST was found by Thomas F. Stanton. This method is used to improve reading competency. PQRST method in this study is a method of reading the passage which consists of five activities; preview, question, read, state/summarize, and test and some additional activities that consist of discussing the questions, discuss the answers, determining the main sentence, sentences, main ideas, and ideas of explanatory.
3.      SMA N 1 Silimakuta is defined as a senior high school which is located on Jln. Pendidikan Ujung, Seribudolok, where is the researcher doing a research. 

1.8    Theoretical Frame Work
       This paper contains of some theories derived from the library research. The writer selects some theories which support the reserach. The theories are :
Aebersold and Field (1997), Arikunto (2006), Brown (2004), Burhan (2012), Chambers and Gregory (2006), Champion (2006), David (Brassell & Rasinski 2008), Djiwandono (2002), Grabe and Stoller (2011), Harris and Graham (2007), Hedgcock (2009), Kane (2000), Linan et al. (2007), Luongo (2003), Nuttal (1985), Patel and Jain (2008), Segretto (2002), Snow (2002), Soedarso (2010), Staton (1982), Sudjana (2005).

2.1 Definition of PQRST
       PQRST was found by Thomas F. Stanton (1982:15-27). This method is used to improve reading competency. It stands for the core activities of the preview, question, read, state/summarize, test. PQRST actually is a method or strategy of reading a book which is especially intended for the benefit of the study, but researchers can borrow concepts and measures for the benefit of this method of teaching reading in school, especially for students who are already classified as readers advanced (Nurhadi, 1987).
       PQRST method in this study is a method of reading text which consists of five activities; preview, question, read, state/summarize, and test and some additional activities that consist of discussing the questions, discuss the answers, determining the main sentence, sentences, main ideas, and ideas of explanatory.
       Champion (2006:58) argues that PQRST method also increases the extent to which information is processed by the brain, but it is used for written material, such as that in  a newspapers article.
       The main goal of PQRST method is to help students to advance their reading comprehension. PQRST method consists of these 5 steps below:


1. P (Preview) 
     In this first step, the reader determine what the entire text is about by skimming through it all so they know they’re going to be covering. One way to do this is to read the title, and then notice the graphs, pictures, diagrams in the text. Next, read the introduction and summary or the first paragraph, also notice the organizational structure text.
The point is to get an idea of the main topics and sections of the text. One of the best things about previewing is that it takes very little time to do.
Once they’ve had some practice, they’ll usually be able to preview a text quickly. If they have a general idea about what a reading assignment covers, they will be able to determine how it relates to the course for which they’re reading, and what they want to learn from it.
2. Q (Question)
     After previewing the text, the students as the readers determine what they are exactly looking for while reading. The students should make questions based on what they have read before. The questions can lead them to find further information of text. They should avoid adding questions that might distract or change the subject. With specific questions in mind about a reading assignment, they will know exactly what information to look for, and they will be motivated to find it. This will help them to learn as much as they can from reading.

3. R (Read)
     The third step is R or Read. In this step, the readers read the whole text. And while reading it, they also try to find the answers of the questions they made before. Here, they should remember the features that they notice during the last two steps: heading, special term, pictures, and summaries. Those can be used to guide them toward the main ideas. Remember also that each paragraph contains a main idea, and supporting ideas that elaborate on this. Look for them, and underline or highlight them. The reader should read for ideas rather than single words: train their eyes to look at cluster of related words rather than at each individual word.
4. S (Summary)
     After reading the text, the readers should know how much they can recall the information they get from the text and state it by their own words.
Highlight, only the most important words. Without looking at the book, ask the students to recite the main idea of the text generally and the main idea of each paragraph.
Then tell themselves in a sentence or two what they’ve read. Finally, scan over the section quickly to pick up any essential points they may have missed. It is possible to recite in our head or aloud, but many students find it most effective if they jot down what they recite. Of course, also make it much easier to review later. Many students also find Summarizing or Self-Reciting helpful because it requires monitoring their attention carefully.

 If they have difficult Self- Reciting, it means that they are not concentrating fully on the reading but can also provide incentive for improving their concentration.
5. T (Test)
     The last step is T or Test. At the end of the reading activity, the reader checks their knowledge by testing themselves to know how far their understanding of the text they read is. It can be done by reviewing all the material and storing it into their long-term memory. Starting by recalling as much as they can without looking at the book or their recitation notes. If they have any difficulties, they look at the questions they wrote to jog their memory, but they shouldn’t look at their answers or other notes until they have given their memory a chance to work. Then, look back over their recitation notes to make sure they remember all the important points and main ideas. If they still think they miss something, look over the reading assignment too. The more they test themselves, the more firmly the information will be planted in their long-term memory.

2.2 Definition of Reading
       Reading is one of English skills besides speaking, listening and writing. It is the way to understand written messages.
According to Nuttal (2000:2) reading means result of interaction between the writer’s mind and the reader’s mind.

It is the way how to the reader tries to get the message or the intended meaning from the writer. In this process, the reader tries to create the meanings intended by the writer, the reader can get the message, and the writer’s meaning sense.
       Grabe and Stoller (2001:2) state that reading is the ability of drawing meaning and interpreting information in the printed page appropriately. They state that reading is also interactive in term that linguistic information from the text interacts with information activated by the reader from long-run memory, as background knowledge.
       Hill (2000:4-5) states that “Reading is communication process and used by readers to get the message to be delivered by the author through message or written language”. A process which requires that a group of words which is a unity will be seen in glimpses and that the meaning of individual words will be known. If this is not met, then the explicit and implied messages will not be captured or understood, and the reading process is not done well.
       Soedarso (2010) states that “Reading is a complex activity by recruiting a large number of separate actions, including the need to use the understanding and imagination, observing, and remembering”. Reading is an active which provide a response to the meaning that is read. When reading, the reader will form a conclusion about the content of reading. Making the conclusion is an indication that readers respond to literature.

2.3 Aspects of Reading
       According to Nuttal (1985:2), there are five sort reading skills that should be mastered by the reader to comprehend the text deeply, which is as follows:
1.      Identifying Main Idea
            Determining idea is a skill to grasp and find the main point of the passage by summarizing the passage and look for repetition of ideas or words (Kelly, R. 2004). The main idea is important to a reader because it tells what the story is mainly about. There are 3 of main ideas; to inform, to persuade, and to entertain. 
2. Identifying Details
       Identfying details are the facts and ideas that explain or prove the topic sentence or main idea. As stated by Segretto (2002:12) that supporting details provide the reader with more information about the main idea or subject of a passage. They are pieces of information that help you see the big picture in a text. Supporting details give readers the answers to questions they might ask before they ask them.
3.   Determining Inference 
       Inference is an educational guess or conclusion drawn based on logic of the passage. An inference is when the student take clues from a story plus what they already know from our their own experiences to decide what the teacher means.
The teacher will not always tell us everything, so need to use inferences to understand and visualize the story. The students will make inferences to help them understand what they are reading. As follow :

a. Think about the type of information the teacher is giving. 
b. Think about how the topic of the text relates to own life or the experiences of students have had.  
4. Understanding Vocabulary
     The communication will success or not it depends on the accurate vocabulary understanding. It means comprehend what the words mean is important in vocabulary. When vocabulary mastery improved, comprehension will be deeper and apply letter sound correspondence to a pretend word and matching it to a known word in the readers’ oral vocabulary. Linan et al. (2007:87) state that the role of vocabulary in reading is clearly understood: vocabulary knowledge, the understanding of word meanings and their use, contributes to reading comprehension and knowledge building.
5. Reference
     One of sub process in sentence comprehension is referential representation; this process identifies the references that words in a sentence make to external word. Referential representation is aided by making referents easy to identify. Readers take less tone to identify the referents of a pronoun when the referent has been mentioned recently in the text than when it was mentioned earlier. (Young, 2011:146). 

2.4 Types of Reading
       According to Brown (2004:189), there are four types of reading. They are:
1.      Perceptive
Perceptive reading tasks involve attending to the components of larger stretches of discourse: letters, words, punctuation, and other graphemic symbols. Bottom-up processing is implied. 
2.      Selective 
This category is largely an artifact of assessment formats. In order to ascertain one’s reading recognition of lexical, grammatical, or discourse features of language within a very short stretch of language, certain typical tasks are used: picture-cued tasks, matching, true/false, and multiple-choice. Stimuli include sentences, brief paragraphs, and simple charts and graphs. Brief responses are intended as well. A combination of bottom-up and top-down processing may be used. 
3.      Interactive 
Included among interactive reading types are stretches of language of several paragraphs to one page or more in which the reader must interact with the text. That is, reading is a process of negotiating meaning; the reader brings to the text a set of schemata for understanding it, and intake is the product of that interaction. Typical genres that lend themselves to interactive reading are anecdotes, short narratives and descriptions, experts from longer texts, questionnaires, memos, announcements, directions, and recipes. The focus of an interactive task is to identify relevant features (lexical, symbolic, grammatical, and discourse) within texts of moderately short length with the objective of retaining the information that is processed. Top-down processing is typical of such tasks, although some instances of bottom-up performance may be necessary. 
4.      Extensive 
Extensive reading applies to texts of more than a page, up to and including professional articles, essays, technical reports, short stories, and books. 

2.5 Definition of Reading Comprehension
       Djiwandono (2002:76) states that reading comprehension is thus much more than decoding. Reading comprehension result when the readers know which skill and strategies are appropriate for the type of the text, and understand how to apply them to accomplish the reading process. So by mastery of reading, it can improve other language skills.
       According to Harris and Graham (2007:8) states that, “Reading comprehension involves much more than readers” responses to the text. Reading comprehension is a multicomponent, highly complex process that involves many interactions between readers and what they bring to the text (previous knowledge, strategy use) as well as variables related to the text itself (interest in text, understanding of text types).     

       Furthermore Hedgcock (2009:210) states that reading comprehension is a complex construct that involves the interaction of a number of psycholinguistics processes. It goes far beyond the ability to state the main idea of a text in one sentence, answer question about details, define vocabulary, accurately read the text aloud, and forth comprehension further involves the simultaneous and largely subconscious application of various type of background knowledge (schemata) and reading skills to particular text.

2.6 Assessment of Reading Comprehension
       Assessment used to determine the quality of students’ work. Luongo (2003:7) states that authentic assessment involves students in task that requires the application of knowledge and skills in real-life situations. These alternative methods offer real-world challenges and frameworks, such as audiences for demonstrating concepts and strategies that students have learned. Authentic assessment rooted in classroom instruction, address education goals and groups of learning objectives.These practices place greater emphasis on problem solving, critical thinking, comprehension, and reasoning, or self-reflection skills than traditional assessment techniques. Final products include exhibitions, performances that permit more than one solution. The formats for students work recognize students’ multiple intelligences, different learning style and varying developmental levels.

According to Chambers and Gregory (2006:162) states that a function of any assessment regime is that it should act as a guide to reinforcing teachers’ priorities and helping the students to identify what activities, knowledge, and understanding are centrally important to their progress. Assessment of the students should be explicitly linked to the learning process and outcomes of their degree program is not so much an invitation to teachers to work these things out for themselves as it may at first sight. Hill in Hernawati (2011:31-32) adds that the combination of the reading test is:
1.      Multiple-choice Question
The multiple choice question have four possible labeled A, B, C, D. the students will choose one answer per question. Each question correctly answered is given one point. 
2.       Short –answer Question
The short answer questions have a “Read, Think, and Explain” symbol next to them. Students should spend bout three to five minutes answering each short-answer questions on the lines provided. Each question answered correctly is given up to two points; partial credit is given. There can be some variation in the answer.
3.      Long-answer Question
            The long answer questions have a read “Read, Thinking and Explain” symbols with more lines next to them. Students should spend about seven to ten minutes answering each long-answer question on the lines provided. Each question correctly answered given up to four points and partial credit is given.
 There can be some variation in the answers. The material of reading comprehension test should be closely related to the precise type of practical material conducted by the teacher to develop reading skill, so the test would be helpful to attempt to identify some of the specific skills involving in reading. (Patel and Jain, 2008:130).
In relation to this study, the students’ ability in comprehending descriptive text will be ensured through administering a series of  post test in the form of multiple choice test, question and answer test.

2.7 Descriptive Text
According to Kane (2000:352): Description is about sensory experience how something looks, sounds, tastes. Mostly it is about the visual experience, but description also deals with other kinds of perception .
So, to conclude from the above explanation Kane, writing meaningful descriptive text that describes the experiences related to the senses, such as what form, sound, taste. Most descriptive text is about the visual experience, but in fact apart from sensory experience can be used in descriptive text .
Descriptive is an adjective that if we mean in Indonesia means that the description (picture). If you were asked to describe an object, it means you have to describe the object in question both in the size, color, etc.

It can be said that this text is descriptive text that describes what kind of person or an object described, good shape, its properties, numbers and others. Objective (purpose) of any clear descriptive text, ie to explain, describe or express a person or an object.

2.7.1 Generic Structure
            1. Identication : Identifies phenomenon to be described.
            2. Description : Describes parts, qualities, and characteristics.

2.7.2 Significant Lexicogrammatical Features.
            1. Focus on specific participants
            2. Use of attributive and identifying processes
            3. Frequent use of epithets and classifiers in nominal groups
                        4. Use of simple present tense

2.7.3 Example of Descriptive Text
My Mom
I have to tell you about my mother. Her name is Meriana. She is outstandingly beautiful anyway she is not tall. She has chestnut and light skin. Her eyes shading is chestnut. Her eyes are dazzling and amazing. I really love her eyes. 
She is a greatly kind person. She is sporty. She venerates to divert and engross her adolescents when her children were exasperates. She by and large rouses me to understand various things and research the data with experience. She is patient and compelling woman I have ever known. She appreciates to help people. She is an average individual, as a wife and mother. She by and large manages her group. She loves her life partner and children all that much. 
She adores her home to be clean and faultless. She does most of the assignments without home accomplice and she similarly can manage her work. She works as an advisor. She opens an office at home. Her clients genuinely like her work in light of the fact that my mother is surprising in mind science. She is the best place to grant stories and she for the most part gives remarkable advices in case we have issues. 
For my father, my mother is everything. She is his life. He can't live without my mother. Everything seems, by all accounts, to be so untidy if my mother goes to other city for a couple of days. My mother is a blessed courier without wings. She is a holy person for me. She is someone who I treasure the most in my life. I wish she will reliably be sound and energetic.

3.1 Research Design
       This study is aimed to find out whether PQRST method significantly affects students’ ability in comprehending descriptive text at grade XI of SMA N 1 Silimakuta. This research uses experimental method. It deals with two variables, they are using of PQRST method and students’ achievement. The experimental group is taught by using PQRST method, the control group is taught without using PQRST method.


         X1        = the experimental group, where the sample is taught by using     PQRST method
         X2   = the control group, where the sample is taught without using PQRST method


3.2    Population and Sample
3.2.1   Population
                             According to Arikunto (2006:130), population is defined as all members of any well-defined class of people, events, or objects. Population is also the group of the people that you want to find out about by doing your research. So in doing this research there must be population that will be investigated. The population of this research is the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Silimakuta. The writer focuses on XI-IPA. There are five classess of XI-IPA in this grade and the total of the students is 155 students which consist of 54 males and 101 females students.

3.2.2        Sample
            Arikunto (2006:131) states a sample is a portion of a population. Based on Arikunto (2002:108), if the population is more than 100, the researcher may take 25% - 50% as the sample, if the population less than 100, the researcher may take the entire sample. So the writer takes two classess to be researched where experimental group consists of 32 students (XI-IPA A), and control group consists of 32 students (XI-IPA B) and total members of sample are 64.

3.3    The Subject of the Study
     This research is focused on the students of class XI IPA-1 of SMA N 1 Silimakuta.

3.4 Research Object
     The object of this study is to know the effect of PQRST method on students’ ability in comprehending descriptive text.

3.5 Instrument of Collecting Data
According to Arikunto (2006:131), instrument is a tool when the researcher uses a method. The instrument is used to achieve the accuracy of the data and can indicate  that the writer is successful or not in his/her research. There are many instruments which are used to collect the data. They are test, questionnaire, interview and observation. The writer chooses the written test. It is multiple choice that consists of 20 items with 5 passages. The test is conducted by the writer in order to measure the ability  of the students in comprehending the reading text.
3.6 Technique of Collecting Data
       In this study, the writer uses test to get the scores of the students. Arikunto (2006:150) states that test is question which is used to measure the skills, knowledge, intelligence, achievement attitude, and other capability of individual or a group of people. In this study there are procedures to collect the data namely pre test, treatment and post test.

3.6.1 Pre test
Pre test is given to the population of the students to be sampled out. In  pre test, both of the control group and experimental group are asked to comprehend reading text without applying PQRST method. The function of pre test is to know the main scores of the control and the experimental class before getting treatment.

3.6.2 Treatment
            The treatment is conducted after the pre test. The writer gives the treatment to both groups. The writer will give the same topic to both groups with different way. In experimental group, the writer will teach descriptive text by applying PQRST method and in the control group the writer will teach descriptive text without PQRST method.

3.6.3 Post test
       After treatment, the writer will give the post test in the last meeting. The students are given a post test which is similar with the pre test. The function of the post test is to know the mean scores of the control group and the experimental group after treatment.

3.7 Scoring of the Test
       In scoring the test, the writer use scoring range from 0 – 100 by counting the correct answer and applying this formula Arikunto (2010:244) :
S x 100
S          : the score
R         : total correct answer
N         : the number of test items
For instance , if one students can answer 16 correctly out 20 items, the score is :
S x 100
= 80

3.8 Standardized Test
Standarized test is compiled by the institution or organization specially for designing the test. They are experts in curriculum and also as teachers. The test has standardized. It means that management and scoring is done through standard and assumption of the same condition so that the result of scoring can be compared for class or different school.
According to Arikunto (2009: 146-147), the differences between standardized test and teacher made test showed by following table :

Table of the differences between standardized test and teacher made test.
Standardized Test
Teacher Made Test
Depend on materials and general purose of schools in all country.
Depend on materials and specific purpose that formulated by teacher for certain class.
Include wide aspect and knowledge or skill in little test item for all of skill or topic.
Sometimes just included the narrow knowledge or skill.
Compiled by equipment of staff, professor, solver, editor, and item test.
Compiled by teaher with a little or without help by  the other.
Using test items had tried out, analyzed, and revised before become a test.
Seldom use the test items had tried out, analyzed and revised.
The test has high realibility.
The test has average or low realibility.
The test use norm for all country.
Using limited group of certain class.

Based on the differences above, the writer chooses standardized test. It means that the writer does not need to calculate realibility and validity because the standardized test has had high realibility and compiled by some experts of making test. Standardized test consists of aspect knowledge, skill and the norm which suitable for all of school in all of country.

3.9 The Technique of Analyzing Data
There are two groups of data : those are the control and experimental group. To analyze the data, this research will use the test formula:
 t =                                        
t     = test formula
Mx = the mean of group A (control group)
My = the mean of Group B (experimental group)
dx  = the standard deviation of score A (control group)
dy  = the standard deviation of score B (experimental group)
Nx = the total sample of A (control group)
Ny = the total sample of B (experimental group)

According to Sudjana (2005:67), the formula to get the Mean is:
                = the means
                  = the sum of all the scores
            n          = number of the scores
According to Sudjana (2005:94), the formula to get the mean and standard deviation are:
            S =
      S     = standard deviation
      N    = number of sample in X1 or X2
        ∑xi = the sum of the score X

The research instruments are needed to collect the data for the present study. The researcher believes that without instruments, it is impossible for the researcher to collect the data. In collecting the data, there are several instruments used, such as Teaching Learning Scenario, Test,Questionnaire. 

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