Monday, 8 December 2014

contoh makalah bahasa inggris

          NAME OF GROUP 10 :
1.      ELKANA DARNO BOANG MANALU     (12120014)
2.      MARWINDA SIMORANGKIR                  (11120517)
3.      LASTRI SAODA GULTOM                                    (11120528)
4.      DELMI SASTRA LINGGA                          (12120001)
5.      SANTA MODESTA RUMAHORBO          (12120005)





First at all, give thanks for God’s love and grace for us. Thanks to God for helping us  and give us chance to finish this assignment timely. And we would like to say thank you to Mr. Dr. Hilman Pardede, M.Pd as the lecturer that always teaches us and give much knowledge about how to practice English well.
This assignment is the one of English task that composed of Language Interference. We realized this assignment is not perfect. But we hope it can be useful for us. Critics and suggestion is needed here to make this assignment be better. Hopefully we as a student can work more professional by using English as the second language whatever we done. Thank you.

Pematangsiantar,    December 2014



A. Background
Applied linguistics is the branch of linguistics which concerned with practical applications of language studies, with particular emphasis on the communicative function of language, and including such professional practices as lexicography, terminology, general or technical translation, language teaching (general or specialized language, mother tongue or second language), writing interpretation, and computer processing of language.
Applied linguistics has influenced or may influence in the future the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language. The observations in applied linguistics may help us to improve the methods of language teaching. The observation that can be done is by contrasting native language and target language. By contrasting the two languages we can find the similarities and differences. One kind of contrastive analysis is language interference. It is most commonly discussed in the context of English language learning and teaching, but it can occur in any situation when someone does not have a native-level command of a language, as when translating into a second language.

Source Language Influence
                 Whatever the translation style is, it seems influenced by SL. The most  common criticism of translation is that it does not sound natural  in LT. This is because the translator’s thought and choice of words are shaped by the original text. For example, literal translation of the Qur’n in English where idiom of English is not maintained, is the outcome of SL (Arabic) influence. This style is not appreciated by common English reader particularly unfamiliar with the Qur’nic style. A balanced approach is needed remaining faithful to the original text and realizing communication and receptor’s difficulties of comprehension.
Target Language:
Apapun gaya terjemahan , tampaknya dipengaruhi oleh bahasa sumberb. Kritik yang paling umum dari terjemahan adalah bahwa hal itu tidak terdengar alami dalam bahasa target. Hal ini terjadi karena pemikiran penerjemah dan pilihan kata-kata  yang dibentuk oleh teks asli. Misalnya terjemahan harafiah dari Qur’n dalam bahsa inggiris, yang mana corak khas bahasa inggris tidak dipertahankan,apakah hasil dari bahasa sumber itumempengaruhi .Gaya ini tidak dipahami oleh pembaca bahasa inggris pada umumnya, terutama yang tidak terbiasa dengan gaya Qur’nic. Pendekatan yang seimbang diperlukan untuk tetap bertahan  pada teks asli dan pencapaian komunikasi dan kesulitan pendengar dalam pemahaman.

B. Language Interference
Language transfer (also known as L1 interference, linguistic interference, and cross meaning) refers to speakers  or writers applying knowledge from their native language to second language. Dulay at al (1982) define interference as the automatic transfer, due to habit, of the surface structure of the first language onto the surface of the target language. Lott (1983:256) defines interference as ‘errors in the learner’s use of the foreign language that can be traced back to the mother tongue’. Ellis (1997:51) refers to interference as ‘transfer’ which he says is ‘the influence that learner’s L1 exerts over the acquisition of an L2.
When an individual’s understanding of one language has an impact on his or her understanding of another language, that individual is experiencing language transfer. There can be negative transfer, otherwise known as interference, when the understanding of one language complicates the understanding of another language. Alternatively, thre can be positive transfers such that knowing one language can aid in developing skills for a second language. Language interference is the effect of language learner’s first language on their production of the language they are learning. It means that the speaker’s first language influences his/her second or his/her foreign language.
The effect can be on any aspect of language: grammar, vocabulary, accent, spelling and so on. Language interference is considered as one of error sources (negative transfer), although where the relevant future of both languages is the same it results in correct language production (positive transfer). The greater the differences between the two language, the more negative the effects of interference are likely to be. It will inevitably occur in any situation where someone has not mastered a second language.
Corder outlines one way in which interference can be recast as a learner strategy. He suggests that learner’s L1 may facilitate the development process of learning an L2, by helping him to progres more rapidly along the universal route when the L1 is similar to the L2. Krashen when suggests that learners can use the L1 to initiate utterances when they do not have sufficient acquired knowledge of the target language for this purpose.
                         Factors that  Cause Language Interference
Interferene is a general problem that occurs in bilingualism. There are many factors that contribute interference (Weinrich, 1970:64-65) :
First, speaker bilingualism background. Bilingualism is the major factor of interference as the speaker is influenced by both of the source and the target language.

Example: “Budi, tolong sapukan rumah ini!” Perintah ibu. Then Budi answered “Sebentar lagi bu, watashi lagi manabu.
Second, disloyalty to target language. Disloyalty to target language will cause negative attitude. This will lead to disobedience to target language structure and further force the bilingualist to put uncontrolled structure of his first language elements to output in practicing words utterances both oral in structure and sense of first language.

      Third, the limited vocabularies of target language. Vocabularies of certain language mostly are about words of surroundings connected to life. Thus, all learner who is willing to master another language will meet new words differ from native words. In order to be able to speak as natives of target language, VOCABULARIES TAKE A BI ROLE. The more vocabularies someone has, the better he masters target language. Foreign language learner will try to put deliberately his native word to state some points when he cannot find the best words of target language.
      Example: when an Indonesian wants to mention ‘Durian’, he stills mention ‘Durian’ when he speaks in English.

Fourth, needs of synonym. Synonym in language usage plays an important role as word chosen variation in order not to repeat similar word during the communication process (redundancy). Implementing synonym in a language contact will contribute to interference in the form of adoption and borrowing of new words from SL to TL. Thus, need of synonym for certain word from SL to TL is seemingly aimed to intensify meaning.
Fifth, prestige and style. Applying unfamiliar word (foreign words) during a communication practice which dominant words are languages of both speaker and receiver is something else. Those unfamiliar words usage is aimed to get a pride. Interference will appear
as there are certain words even though the receiver probably cannot catch the real idea of the speech. The usual unfamiliar words usage will become a style of the user. Unfortunately, the user sometimes does not understand the real meaning whether the meaning is denotative or connotative. The common feature is that many language users put derivational affixization is an adopting and borrowing process from English to state nouns.

According to Lott (1983:258-259), there are three factors that cause the interference:

1. Interlingual factor
Interlingual transfer is a significant source for language learners. This concept contrastive analysis of behavioristic school of learning. It stresses upon the negative interference of mother tongue as the only source of errors. The construction ‘I LIKE TO READ’ is uttered as ‘I READ TO LIKE’ by many Hindi speakers. In Hindi, the verb is prepositioned while in English it is post positioned. This type of error is the result of negative transfer of L1 rules to L2 system. Commonly, errors are caused by the differences between the first and second language. Such a contrastive analysis hypothesis occurs where structures in first language which are different from those in the second language produce the errors reflecting the structure of first language. Such errors were said to be due to the influence of learners’ first language habits on second language production (Dulay,1982:97).
Corder in Richard (1967:19) says that errors are the result of interference in learning a second language from the habits of the first language. Because of the difference in system especially grammar, the students will transfer their first language into second language by using their mother tongue system.

2. The over extension of analogy
Usually, a learner has been wrong in using a vocabulary caused by the similarity of the element between first language and second language, e.g. the use of cognate words (the same from of word in two languaes with different functions or meanings). The example is the using of MONTH and MOON. Indonesian learners may make a mistake by using MONTH to say IN THE SPACE.

3. Transfer of structure
There are two types of transfer according to Dulay (1982:101), positive transfer and negative transfer. Negative transfer refers to those instances of transfer, which result in error because old habitual behavior is different from the new behavior being learned. On the contrary, positive transfer is the correct utterance, because both first language and second language have the same structure, while the negative transfer from the native language called interference.
Interference is the deviation of target language as a result of their familiarity with more than one language. Dulay (1982:98) differentiates interference into two parts, the psychological and sociolinguistic. The psychological refers to the influence of old habits when new ones are being learned, whereas sociolinguistic refers to interactions of language when two language communities are in contact. Therefore students will find it difficult in mastering the second language due to the interference, which is influenced by old habit, familiar with mother tongue and interaction of two languages in the communities.

A.    Conclusion
Language interference influences in learning language target. It has positive and negative effects. The greater the differences between the two languages, the more negative the effects of interference are likely to be.
B.     Suggestion
It is important for teacher to know the differences and similarities between learner’s native language and the target language. By knowing them teacher will be easier to decide what strategy, methodology or what material that will be used in teaching second or foreign language.


Ellis, Rod. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. 1986. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Shastri, Pratima Dave. Communicative Approach To The Teaching Of English as A Second Language. 2010. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.

Surono. Guidelines on Applied Linguistics. 2013. Yogyakarta.


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