Monday, 29 December 2014

10 functions of Kidney

Kidney is one part of the excretory system in humans. There is a pair of kidneys in humans. Human kidney length of about 10 cm with a weight of approximately 200 grams. As a means of excretion, renal filtration remove residual blood in the form of urine. Here are some of the functions of the human kidney. Immediately, we see the first:

1. Filtering Blood
Consumption of foods that we eat every day as an energy producer after the digestion process will certainly generate a lot of waste materials and waste and toxins or toxin. Substances is exactly what would be removed by the kidneys because otherwise it would be very harmful to our bodies.

Nephron is one part of the kidney that perform this function. If someone does not have a kidney, then that person will die because his body poisoned by manure produced by the human body itself. To do so, the kidneys must filter about 200 liters of blood and produce 2 liters of residual substances and water per day. Thus, we can conclude that you urinate as much as approximately 2 liters per day.

2. Maintain equilibrium concentration of acids and bases
Kidney function is to maintain the balance of acid and alkaline levels of body fluid by removing excess acid / alkaline urine.

3. excrete substances that are harmful to the body
The kidneys will excrete (issued) substances that are harmful to the body such as urea, uric acid, ammonia, creatinine, inorganic salts, bacteria, and also medicines. If the substance is not removed then it would be a poison that can be harmful to health in the body.

4. Process Re-Substance
The kidneys will return back substances that are still useful for the body back to the blood. These substances in the form of glucose, salt, water, and amino acids. The restoration process is still useful substance in the blood called reabsorption.

5. Set the volume of liquid in the Blood
Kidneys can control the amount of blood fluid dipertahnkan to stay balanced in the body. Without control of the kidneys, the body will become dry due to lack of blood fluid or vice versa, the body sinks due to overflow of fluid that accumulates in the body are not wasted.

6. Set Balance Chemical Ingredients in Blood
One example that regulate salt levels in the blood.

7. Controlling Blood Sugar Levels
Kidney is very important to regulate the excess or shortage of sugar in the blood by using the hormone insulin and adrenaline. It is important to avoid diabetes. Insulin is a hormone serves as lowering blood sugar levels if the blood sugar levels in excess. Adrenaline is used to raise blood sugar levels if the sugar content in the blood is insufficient.

8. Producing Substances and Hormones
Kidney is the producer of the substance or certain hormones such as erythropoietin, calcitriol, and renin. Hormone produced by the kidney hormone eritroprotein or abbreviated with EPO serves to stimulate an increase in the rate of formation of red blood cells by the bone marrow. Renin serves to regulate blood pressure in the body, while calcitriol is a function of the kidneys to form vitamin D, maintaining the chemical balance in the body, as well as to retain calcium in the bones in the body.

9. Maintain Pressure Osmosis
The kidneys maintain osmotic pressure by regulating the balance of salts in the body.

10. Maintain Blood
Kidney function as guardians of the blood pH level that is not too acidic. The kidneys maintain blood plasma pH in the range of 7.4 through the exchange of hydronium and hydroxyl ions. As a result, urine produced can be acidic or alkaline in pH 5 to pH 8...

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