Tuesday, 9 December 2014


The Role of Corruption Eradication Commission in eradicate the corruption in Indonesia
Corruption is the action of every people that refuse the law and the norms. As we know in our country the corruption cases is not the new for all of us. We can see it from wathing television, read the newspaper and also from the radio. Corruption give the bad effect to our country. For example, in social-economy, and even in politic. It make the society become poor as effect of the government that do the corruption. To prevent the break of the corruption, The indonesian goverment formed an institution that named KPK.
 Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) formed base on the development of thinking in lwa that corruption is the extraordinary crime. This case is suitable to discuss, remember that the practical of corruption in Indonesia had been in the highest level. It doesn’t suprise that social-economy and politic still low.
KPK is the institution  that formed in 2003 that worked to solve, prevent, and eradicate the corruption. First, they coordinate with the instantion to do the eradication the corruption. Second, supervision toward the instantion. Third, to observe and investigate the corruption case. Fourth, to prevent  and also survey the corruption cases the corruption.
One example of corruption that have finished by KPK, in 17 April member of DPR RI (Golkar party) Hamka Yamdhu and exmember of DPR RI (Golkar  party) Anthony Zeidra Abidin. Anthony Z Abidin that worked as agent of governorin Jambi that detained in Polres of East Jakarta, Hamka Yamdhu detained in Polres Rutan of West Jakarta. Hamka dan Anthony Z Abidin  that supposed receive about 31,5 billion rupiahs from Indonesian Bank.
KPK not only work to solve the corruption case in our country. But also help the other coutries to prevent the corruption such to help  thm to solve the corruption in other country. They need to make the coordination and corporation to do their work.
Thus, in do their responsibility, they also have the struggle. First, the society refuse their decision. It happen because the society don’t agree toward the decision that give by the KPK. The society usually make the demonstration by come to their office and they even they damage the building of the KPK office. The other is mocking by social media. To say the unagreement, the society will express their opinion or mock by social media, so that the  other know. It can make the KPK so shy.
 In solve this case KPK also get some fences such demonstration from the supporter of suspected in KPK claim the investigation the case, make the threat to the official or to the leader of KPK but all of cases that solved by KPK and had assembled in Tipikor Court of Jakarta, all  proven or establish and proven did the corruption. Ther is not assumtion of KPK that defeat in the court.

According to me, it is not all of the societies agree toward the establishment of society. Why I say that because the society undergo the pro cons in Indonesia. The society agree to the establishment of KPK. They hope that formed of KPK will make the change such to loss averything that relate in corruption act. Beside that the society also refuse the KPK because they don’t believe. It cause that the society think that they just promise to solve and prevent the corruption. Moreover, the corruption until now still happen.
Beside those effect, I think Indonesia need the institute to eradicate the corruption case. But we as indonesian also make the coorporation with the KPK to clear the corruption from our country, because the corruption break in our country. And it make the economy weak and impact to the citizens.
I as an Indonesian people agree toward the establishment of corruption eradication commission in our country because our country had becaome the central attention of another country. We shoul be shy because another country claimed that our country as poor because of the corruption. So we must coorporate to help the 

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