Cooperative learning method
Cooperative learning methods
organize the little groups with the objective of establishing the ties and
requirements necessary for cooperation. However, despite having this in common,
each method present a different way of managing the teaching and learning
activities, which makes some more elevant than others so as to develop certain
learning processes in the different curriculum areas.
There is no method which can be regarded as the best
and more elevant that the others, it is a matter of using the method which
better adapts to our needs taking into account the characteristics of the group
of students and the activity to be worked on, in such a way that the factors
favouring cooperation and learning are enhanced.
Ovejero (1990) presents a very interesting historical
panoramics over the world-wide implementation of the different cooperative work
methods. More recently, in Monereo & Duran (2001) you may also find some of
the methods explained.
We now provide (leaving peer tutoring aside, since we
already talked about it in another section) a brief description of some of the
most well known methods.
Jigsaw (Aronson and collaborators,
Specially useful in knowledge areas
where content is susceptible of being “fragmented” in different parts. This
method enhances the interdependence among students given that the information
is provided to the students in parts (as many as team members), as if they were
jigsaw pieces. Each student gets a part of the necessary information to do the
task, becoming “expert” in his/her jigsaw piece or knowledge part. The team
members are responsible for knowing the corresponding information in depth, for
teaching it and for learning the information presented by the rest of the team
member .
Student Team Learning (Devries,
Edwards and Slavin)
It consists of a series of
procedures whose objective is provide special relevance to the use of group
objectives. The success of the team can only be truly attained if individual
responsibility leads all the members to fulfill their duties. Within such
procedures we can distinguish four methods:
- TGT: Team
method – games- tournament (De Vries and Edwards, 1973) The classroom
organization with this method allows us to create an intergroup procedure so as
to compare the degree of performance of the different teams. It consists of
creating teams of 4 to 5 students and arrange a competition with the members of
the other teams. The teams are the cooperative element of the TGT
(Teams-Games-Tournament). The TGT guarantee the implication and participation
of each and every member of the group and allow them to compete with the other
members of the other teams who have a similar level to their own, which reduces
considerably the angst of the competition. As a negative aspect, we can suggest
that with this method the interest in the subject may disappear amidst the
competitive game and extrinsic motivation may be optimized.
Student Team-Achievement Divisions (Slavin, 1986). This method shares
intergroup cooperation and intergroup comtetition with the previous one. The
students are divided into heterogeneous groups of four or five members. The
teacher presents a topic to all the class, with all the explanations and
exemplifications s/he considers necessary. The students work in teams for
different sessions where they discuss, compare, widen, formulate questions,
elaborate conceptual maps, basis of orientation, memorize, etc. and make sure
all the members of the group have learned what they were asked to.
After that,
the teacher assesses each student individually and transforms the individual
qualification in group qualification using a system known as “performance in
divisions”. This method compares the performance of each student as regards the
reference of a group of a similar level. Thus we make sure each student can
contribute to the success of his/her team, given his/her possibilities, and it
can also be the case that a student with a lower performance level provides a
higher score to his/her team than another student with a higher performance
level because s/he has been better placed in his/her division.
Team Assisted Individualization (Slavin i cols., 1984). This method combines
cooperative learning and individuated instruction: all the students work on the
same, but each of them follows a specific program. The common learning task is
structured in a personalized way for every member of the team, and within the
team all the students help so as to attain the personal objectives of each of
its members.
Group-Investigation (Sharan and Sharan, 1976).
This is a very similar method to the project work
arrangements used in primary school or to the synthesis credits in secondary
school in Spain. It follows the following steps:
- Choosing
and distribution of subtopics: The students choose, according to their
aptitude or interests, a subtopic within a general topic suggested by the
teacher taking into account the curriculum.
- Each
team is responsible for a different subtopic, so all the class group works
on the same general topic but from different specializations (as the
scientific community does).
- Planning
the study of the subtopic: The team members, together with the teacher,
determine the objectives they select and plan the procedures they will
deploy to fulfill them, at the same time they distribut the tasks they
need to do.
- Development
of the plan: The students develop, in written form, their work plan. The
teacher follos each team’s progress and offers his/her help when
- Analysis
and synthesis: The students analyze and assess the information gathered.
They summarize it and present it to the rest of the class.
- Presentation
of the paper: Once presented, they make questions and provide answers to
possible questions, doubts or widening of the topic that may be relevant.
- Assessment: Teacher and
students together assess the paper and the presentation in group. It is
not incompatible with a later individual assessment.
This method
promotes intrinsic motivation, with the commitment to the chosen subtopic and
the work plan of the team members and autonomy.
Jigsaw II (Slavin)
This is the most well known variety of Jigsaw. It
needs two types of groupings: the basis or habitual (heterogeneous) team
l’equip base o habitual and the group of specialists or experts (homogeneous).
The steps are the following:
- Divide
the classroom in teams (cooperative and heterogeneous). The material which
is object of study is divided into as many parts as members are in the
- Preparation
of the group of “specialists”: each member of the team meets with the rest
of the members of the teams which have the same knowledge area (or jigsaw
piece) and carry out activities to become “experts” in that topic. Once
solved these activities, the students prepare the way they will explain
what they have learned to their team members.
- Return
to the original or basis teams. Each student (expert in on part) is
responsible for explaining the part s/he has prepared to the rest of the
team, at the same time s/he has to learn what the other members of the team
teach him/her.
- The
learning or assessment activity requires all the information. The
assessment may be done in teams or in the most extreme case it can be done
individually (even focusing on one only team member), but with a team
This method allows for the contribution of all the
students, including those students in most need of help, to be equally valied,
because they are all necessary for the attainment of the objectives.
Learning Together. (Johnson i
Johnson, 1999)
In heterogeneous teams of 4 or 5 members, the students
cooperate to obtain a product in group. The reward is based on the mean of the
team which is established from individual progress.
Reciprocal Teaching (Palincsar i Brow, 1984 i Palincsar i Herrenhohl, 1999)
This cooperative learning method was designed to
develop reading comprehension. In reciprocal teaching each team member is
responsible for developing one of the cognitive operations a good reader would
do so as to understand a text. After one of the team members reads and the
summarizes a section of the text, another member makes questions, yet another
answers the questions and a final student anticipates what will come in the
following part of the text.
operations will rotate among the team members so as to manage all of them
appropriate them.
(Kagan, 1985a, 1985c)
This method consists of structuring the classroom so
that all the students work in teams with the objective of fulfilling an
objective that helps other students. The students are the ones to choose the
topics they consider most relevant and each student works on one of them.
Within every team each topic is divided in subtopics which each of the team
components must develop. They will later present their knowledge to the rest of
the group, in a similar way as it is done in the jigsaw method.
takes place at three levels: coassessment of the group’s presentation,
coassessment of the individual contributions to the team and assessment of the
material produced by the group.
Aronson, E. i col (1978). The jigsaw classroom. Beverly Hills: CA Sage
Devries, D. i Edwards, K. (1973). Learning games and student teams: Their effect on classroom process. American Educational Research Journal, 10, pp. 307-318
Devries, D. i Edwards, K. (1973). Learning games and student teams: Their effect on classroom process. American Educational Research Journal, 10, pp. 307-318
Johnson, Roger T.; Johnson, David W.; Holubec Edythe,
J. (1999): El
aprendizaje cooperativo en el aula. Barcelona: Paidós Educador.
Monereo, C. i Duran, D. (2001). Entramats. Mètodes d’aprenentatge cooperatiu i col·laboratiu. Barcelona: Edebé.
Monereo, C. i Duran, D. (2001). Entramats. Mètodes d’aprenentatge cooperatiu i col·laboratiu. Barcelona: Edebé.
Ovejero, A. (1990): El aprendizaje cooperativo. Una
alternativa eficaz a la enseñanza tradicional. Barcelona: PPU
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